Wednesday, September 1, 2021


#Buy Amazing #Music #Online with #Amazon, #Itunes, #Spotify #Napster, #Bmi #Recordings #Songs #Mp3    #Buy #GreenhouseEffect #Music EVERYWHERE #ONLINE #TONIGHT ! #SONGS #BuySongs @ #GreenhouseEffectMusic  #BuySongs #BuyMusic $ 1.99 ??

    #Buy #GreenhouseEffect #Music EVERYWHERE #ONLINE #TONIGHT ! #SONGS #BuySongs @ #GreenhouseEffectMusic  #BuySongs #BuyMusic $ 1.99 ??

Ebay Music - Greenhouse-Effect-Songs 'Think About it' Live ( Yardbirds Cover ) Live 1989 // Phil-Keegan_Guitar // Bmi Music 2005 from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.  

132,945,189 Views - Ebay Music - CLARK "THE SHARK" HAGINS !! HIS SITES GO #VIRAL ! HIS #CRYPTO IS #AMAZING ! EVERYONE Wants a piece of G.e #Websites #WorldWide as they hunger to be a part of his #NFT's  !!!! He tells Everyone that #Crypto is "Today's rock n' roll #Music ,..and he's right ! It is baby ! "I want fans and other bands alike to share in the #online #experience of #Crypto and I offer them 85 % if they want to #join ; #signup !! it's #amazing !"

 Greenhouse-Effect-Songs 'Think About it' Live ( Yardbirds Cover ) Live 1989 // Phil-Keegan_Guitar // Bmi Music 2005 // In August 1989, Greenhouse Effect were unbeknownstly filmed playing Live at the Music Machine in West Los Angeles and after the Gig, A guy named 'Video Bob" offered Phil Keegan and Clark Haggins the video "For a small fee"; "I forget what the fee was,..but he said he had our whole gig on film and I ran to an Atm machine and I think i paid the guy what-ever he wanted !! And thank God that I have this film today of Me, Keegan, and Carmody because it is such a Priceless document of G.e !!!" Says Clark Hagins in 2004 at Rock City; "This Video is really the 'only' video of that early three piece Greenhouse Effect with Phil Keegan upfront on guitar and People all over the World have said it is as good as the Who or Led Zeppelin or even better and that means a lot to me !!!" The Video went on to explode to millions of World Wide video 'views' at GoogleVidoCom in 2007 as Haggins watched the fortunes of his once small band zoom huge over night; "When viewers all over the world and just people in general gotta first Look at my band they quickly realized just how insanely good we were,... We became the number one viewed thing in cyberspace for about two years from 2007 through 2009 , today, everybody is making silly home videos and great things Like G.e. are getting buried by people with cat's farting and stupid Justin Bieber clips, sucks ,..we were on a roll and now, we're back to struggling to be seen" The cover of the Yardbirds 'Think About it" explodes Live with Phil Keegan's blazing Lead Guitars and the pounding drumming ( and singing) from Hagins and the over-all energy of this three piece band is more intense than any other Live rock Group in the world as Hagins' Drumming echoes back to the thunder of Keith Moon and the Who but with the precision of Neil Peart and Rush !!!! "People say we are the greatest band on the internet,....and that's because we are !!!" says Haggins // ROCK CITY RECORDS - BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS, 2008.  

2022 Update;

And CLARK THE SHARK HAGINS reads emails from places like TORONTO Canada and Ireland where fans declare; "G.e is better than Rush, G.e is better than LED ZEPPELIN LIVE,.. G.E IS BETTER THAN THE WHO,.. "EARLY" G.E IS simply one of the Greatest Bands of all time ,.!! As the "Live" Video from SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA RECORDED AUGUST 1989 seems to "Prove" the ABSOLUTE POWER OF THE G.E MYSTIQUE MUSE !! 

"ARE / WERE ,..  WE REALLY AS GOOD AS RUSH OR ZEPPELIN,.??. I frankly doubt that" Says Hagins with a laugh; "But were we fuckin' real good ,.. ya know ,..just as one of those sick three piece trio's ,..FUCK YEAH ,.WE WERE !" 

Hagins and G.e have massive money advantages over 'other' rock bands in 2022,..which means G.e and their ROCK CITY LABEL can get heard and seen more THAN JUST ABOUT ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY ,..; "WE GET WATCHED A LOT ,.." Says Hagins; "This is the big time ,. these fans pay me a ton of money and they say we are the best so I won't argue with them ! fuck no !" 

HAGINS says that the 'true' power of G.e dwells in their band "Uniqueness"; "We don't look like any other bands,.. We don't sound like any other rock groups ,.. We are totally alien ,.. and it builds a massive audience ,...people want to see us play again ,.. they want the 'early" phase,.. Carmody, Keegan, and me ,. but they want the later years too ,.. and we're all 60 year old dudes now , it ain't gonna ever happen !"

Hagins says that G.e has had to "Work the web" to attain the heights and sometimes, it has been no easy task; "People think that I just press buttons and boom ,..there's G.e but it isn't that easy ,.. We gotta fight our way to the top on here but once fans see us and hear the music,.. it gets real easy from there,.!"  

ROCK CITY PRODUCTIONS HAS THE MIGHTY INTERNET ABILITIES TO BLAST G.E OUT THERE TO the entire world and daily with "Rock City Radio Fm" ,..and Hagins see's the power of G.e quality songs and live videos as advantages other bands have zero chance against ; "It doesn't matter if it's Nirvana or Pearl Jam or the Red Hot Chili Peppers or Van Halen or G n' R,.. We fuckin' destroy every other band on here where fans can simply see us vs. them,...ONE ON ONE . and they see who the winner is,. of any battle ,. but I don't like to see it as competition ,..we were funny guys who entertain ,..that's all ,..if we were great musicians ,..its just the icing on the fuckin' CAKE BABY !" HAGINS IS a big believer in Crypto NFT's and he lavishly uses them with his music; "My sites always have NFT Links of course,..I move with today's technology !" Says Hagins.  


 HAGINS is uncomfortable with that and the huge web traffic and wants G.e to remain as "regular guys" ; "Phil Keegan was / is ,.. a massive monster on guitar,.. and today ,..this guy is TOTALLY respected WORLD WIDE AS ONE OF THE GREATEST OF ALL TIMES ! BUT ,..there was much conflict in our band ,..We couldn't see eye to eye way back then and perhaps,.. we didn't see the greatness that we had ,.." Hagins says that bitterness lingers today between the three original members of G.e who DO NOT SPEAK ,.. AND WHO  provided the fascinating foundation for a three piece rock band that would come on later to dominate the world web traffic with "White Black Thang" and "Brandy" and "Emo" type songs that Phil Keegan despises; "We got to be hugely known for things that Flipper does not like ,.. this is a serious PURIST dude into Ritchie Blackmore and Deep Purple and when I got all into the Cure and the Clash ,.. he was out of the band ,.. and voiced his displeasure at the new directions of G.e." 

"I would love to think that G.e were one of the "funniest" rock band's ever ,.. sorta like THE BEATLES A HARD DAYS NIGHT type o' thang,.. ,.. and that our "sense of humor" was our guiding light ,.." says Hagins in 2022; "There is a lot of seriousness with G.e too ,..where all of our ego's go way way out of control on the web ,.. MY OWN PERSONAL LIFE,.. AS IT IS WELL KNOWN ,..HAS BEEN SUCH A TRAIN-WRECK ,.. but I would like to think all in all, all adds up ,..into something that was "meant to be" but something that was Great !" 

Hagins, Keegan, and Carmody are considered absolute ROCK LEGENDS / ROCK ROYALTY to Los Angeles California and the "South Bay" area in particular; "People are always like ' Shark ,..I want to take you out to dinner, buy you things, ,..  blah blah ,.. they really roll out the fake red carpet ,..they probably just want to poison my drink" Says Hagins. 

Hagins says a lot of people just can't say 'true nice things' ; "They always have to say some pre fabricated narrative shit,.. like we only got one good song in Brandy ,..or I'm just a drummer and shit ,. but then when they see other people liking it,.. I notice they THEN MIGHT adjust their tune ,..which to me is phony ,..they can rarely just say they like me for me ,.. they can't just form an own opinion on anything ,..the place I come from ,..they look around and stick their fingers in the wind ,.and I hate that shit ,..THEY'RE ALL TRYING to impress the chicks or something ,..which to me is fucking stupid ,.  !" 

PEOPLE IN THE SOUTH BAY seem to spread this narrative that HAGINS and G.e seem to take great delight in "rubbing their great talents in everyone's faces as they drag down who ever they want and at any time"; To which Hagins says; "My position has always been that I am FUNNY ,... I AM AN ENTERTAINER ,.. I MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH ,.. and it is usually really funny comedian people who also just by chance ,..might possess other great talents ,..I am not trying to show anyone up on here,.."

"I write a lotta shit on THESE PLATFORMS ,.. and it gets people reading,.. it gets them interested and all over the whole world ,.. if I can get attention on here,,.THAT IS A TOUGH BATTLE TO DO !.. that's all it was ever about ,.. I am not out to hurt people or make them mad ,... they get mad on their own,. and in the past,.. they have come on here to say mean and unfair things about me and at places like Youtube ,.. so sometimes I HAVE TO WRITE ALOTTA SHIT ON here and with SOME KIND OF ANGRY OFFENCE ,.. TO SCARE THEM AWAY ,.. or they're gonna write shit about me in comments  ,.. which makes me write shit ,.. right back at them,.. LOOK ,...I KNOW PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE ME ,... SO I MUST BE WELL PREPARED IN ADVANCE ON HERE,.. TO GO ON THE COUNTER ATTACK ,..IF I HAVE TO !"

Hagins is a huge fan of Andy Kaufman and he see's G.e as kinda' like a Kaufman skit; 

"People cannot tell if we're serious or kidding around ,..and that is the PURE BEAUTY OF SHIT " Says Hagins.    #Buy #GreenhouseEffect #Music EVERYWHERE #ONLINE #TONIGHT ! #SONGS #BuySongs @ #GreenhouseEffectMusic  #BuySongs #BuyMusic $ 1.99 ??

=========================================================    #Buy #GreenhouseEffect #Music EVERYWHERE #ONLINE #TONIGHT ! #SONGS #BuySongs @ #GreenhouseEffectMusic  #BuySongs #BuyMusic $ 1.99 ??


32,945,088 Views - Greenhouse Effect Explode Live on stage. Just a three piece - They Make it sound as if 7 People are Playing !!! Led by the Monster Powerful Drumming of Clark Hagins who also belts out amazing powerful Lead Vocals as well !! The Dynamic Guitar from Phil Keegan is an Amazing thing onto itself as Bassist Rick Carmody holds the action together with Some of the best four string playing on the internet !! - Dailymotion Video 2007 -  

Rock City Productions Blogging 2021; CLARK "THE SHARK" HAGINS Talks about the song "Think About it" as covered by G.e in the late 1980's ; "Before I was actually in G.e ., I would be near El Retiro Park in Torrance CA at this dudes garage getting my VW worked on ( The Dude I bought the vehicle from LOL ) ,..about 1986 circa,.. maybe '87 early,.. and I would hear this explosive band playing from like 400 Yards away and across the park ,.. I remember the drumming was striking but that guitar cut through the afternoon with authority!" Hagins knew the bassist's house well , was Rick Carmody ,..the former four stringer with Hagins' band SOUL CLINIC from 1985; "TED had quit the band with me and Stevo ( Guitarist Steve Stepanion ) ,.. and I was bummed at the dude but this new thing he was jamming with sounded quite insane ,.. I had to go over there and check it out." Hagins eventually went to investigate the group and he discovered a "Power trio" with an old friend on guitar named Phil Keegan and this awesome drummer Named Rich Hebben ,.. along with Rick "Ted" Carmody ,..the bassist Hagins knew all too well; "These guys were shredding and it was amazing and I would come and watch ,.. I never offered to sing or anything though ,. I would just watch them jam ,.. for the time being." Before Hagins knew it,.. the really rad drummer had soon suddenly quit the band ,.. and Clark the Shark found himself fielding an offer: "Do you wanna play drums ??" Hagins leaped at the opportunity; "Keegan was this really awesome but kinda weird sounding guitarist ,..he thought he was Jimmy Page or Ritchie Blackmore or some "metal" like dude,.. but he was really almost a carbon copy of Greg Ginn from Black Flag,..he was really sloppy ..." Says Hagins "But the guy was fuckin' hella brilliant !!" HAGINS JAMMED with the band for what seemed like a year before offering to sing lead vocals ,..WHILE DRUMMING ??? !!!! "We didn't have a singer and I had plenty of studio and live experience doing it ,.. I was always a drummer first though,.. I took tremendous hard work at accomplishing my drum thing ,.. I wanted to be a Kieth Moon / Neil Peart / John Bonham ,..    but I quickly improved my singing ,.. I HAD TO !" Says Hagins.    #Buy #GreenhouseEffect #Music EVERYWHERE #ONLINE #TONIGHT ! #SONGS #BuySongs @ #GreenhouseEffectMusic  #BuySongs #BuyMusic $ 1.99 ??

Over time, THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT as they came to be called,.. got tighter and tighter; better and BETTER ! "WE PLAYED and played in that room,..Ted's bedroom near El Retiro Park" Says Hagins  "And 'Think about it',..was a song we perfected ! We were loud, crazy,.. at night ,..we were drunken ,.. partying ,.. We didn't exactly know what sound we were yet in 1987 ,..We knew we were heavy and loud,.. We cited stuff like Cream, Zeppelin, Deep Purple, influences ,. but me ,.I was into all kinds of shit from Beatles to Bowie to Zappa to The Who and beyond ,.. I really felt that we were a bit like THE WHO LIVE AT LEEDS,...  LOL" HAGINS lead vocals from the drums seemed to resemble David Bowie ; "People would always say that but I think my lead vocals thing was just original ,.. when going through a PA System live, ..I remember I would sing much louder with some more bass and some baritone on it , sounded powerful , was nothing like Bowie live" ,...

The Yardbirds' Cover "THINK ABOUT IT" displayed the powerful attack of Phil Keegan's STRAT guitar as it also displayed the power of Hagins' drumming ,.. all held together by some nice creative bass from Carmody; "When I look back at G.e,.."Think" was one of the the early songs that propelled the FUTURE of one mighty three piece rock n roll band ! " Says Hagins "We have a nice studio version of the song off our Global Warming Cd 1988 but LIVE,..THIS SONG REALLY EXPLODED WITH POWER !,...IT took on a whole new meaning ,.."   



5,143,056 Views - BlipTV Video 2009 - GREENHOUSE EFFECT SONGS LIVE "THINK ABOUT IT" YARDBIRDS COVER SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA - Clark "The Shark" Hagins is the "Face" of BlipTV in 2009 !! And he's also THE FACE OF THE INTERNET PERIOD !!! "People love our videos ,.... because we are an honest hard working band,..the years of 2007, 08, and 09' have been amazing for us !!" Haggins makes Amazing Money at BlipTV and often speaks of "retirement" from his day job as a swimming pool cleaner: "I hope to be completely out of this by 2010 , 2011 , I can concentrate 100 % full time on what is important and that is MY MUSIC !! " Says Haggins. "When we didn't get signed to a major label long ago, really screwed things up ,..a lot of misunderstandings,.. and misunderstandings are the main shit that has wrecked my life ( laughs )" Hagins ( and guitarist Phil Keegan ) have both spoken up at length on the web at what they perceive as Record industry "Unfairness' towards G.e. : "We were Los Angeles' best band and we had a huge following and interest and i got into this thing with BAM Magazine that went all over the city in the press in 1990, 91,.. and then suddenly that band from Seattle hit ,..Nirvana ,.. and that was pretty much "the end" for G.e. !!" writes Haggins. "We took a step into the twilight zone,..then all kinds a' weird shit started happening ,..people dying,.. the 1990's and into today ,..bad times indeed" says Haggins,..
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#Buy Amazing #Music #Online with #Amazon, #Itunes, #Spotify #Napster, #Bmi #Recordings #Songs #Mp3